What happened to PQ?

What happened to PQ?

In the hot summer of 2010, I dove headlong into a passion project with a modest $1100 in pocket change. This was when Pad & Quill, a brand synonym of luxury and craftsmanship, was born; its first website was built with equal parts ambition and the sweat from painting a web designer's deck. The vision? To celebrate artisans and pursue beauty in everything we create. Our offerings of fine leather goods found favor among a thriving community of hundreds of thousands of customers, far exceeding my initial imaginings over the following nine years.

However, as with all life's most incredible journeys, the road took an unexpected sharp turn in 2019. A daunting personal and financial storm swept through my life, casting unwelcome shadows over my ability to steer Pad & Quill--both from the helm of designing and managing finances—a crisis exacerbated by the advent of the global pandemic in 2020. Tragically, like a ship swallowed whole by an unforgiving sea, Pad & Quill succumbed. Despite fighting the tide for four long years, in the bleak winter of 2023, Pad & Quill was claimed by bankruptcy, its voyage meeting a heartbreaking end.

Yet, from the ruins, springs a blossom of hope, and that is Burton Goods. The hardships of the past four years couldn't smother my love for designing and crafting leather goods or for you, the patrons who bring purpose to my passion.

I must, however, address the elephant in the room: the warranties previously given under Pad & Quill. While my current financial state disallows the ability of honoring them, your concerns are not dismissed. Please feel encouraged to reach out to Hi@burtongoods. Wherever a solution can be offered, we will try.

Finally, I must tilt my hat to each and every Pad & Quill customer over the past 14 years. Your patronage, your unswerving support for a small Minnesota family business, your dedication to the artisans behind the wonders you welcomed into your homes – you have my deepest, heartfelt gratitude.

With renewed spirit,

Brian Holmes



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Brian , As a prior customer of Pad &Quill , I must justify that your professionalism and honesty shown during my 2 orders with your company were absolutely non comparable with any other online company I have used . Best of luck in the future , no doubt you will be successful

Joe Etheridge

It’s sad to hear but understand. When your ready to start over I’ll always be a customer.

Isaac A Calvo

I recently replaced my 2019/20 16" Macbook Pro. Thinking the 16" would be roughly the same dimentions, I’ve tried to transplant it into my loved, well worn and petina Leather Copertina Case. Unfortunately the new Macbook is a smidge thicker so the case odes not fit quite right. Anychance you might bring a similar product to Burton? Thank you!!

Matthew Minton

I have loved and bought so many wonderful things from pad and quill for years and years. The iPad Pro I’m using as I write this is in a case from you. The artisans are amazing and the talent can’t be beat. I love you guys. Judson southerland

Judson southerland

Thanks for all the amazing products you and your team have done for us . I loved and love your craftsmanship and I wish you all ten best for the future . Best regards from Tasmania . Michael Mathieu

Michael Mathieu

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